Thursday, July 10, 2008

Thinking Outside of the Box While Literally Thinking About the Box

I like to bring original thinking and creative solutions to my health care clients. Although the law is based on precedent, lawyers always need to remain current, thinking ahead and looking for creative solutions.

Today I saw this "lesson in creativity" over at Jeff James' Create West Virginia blog. Thought I would pass it along to my readers. A great example of thinking outside the box - while literally thinking about the box. As Jeff concludes, "what is your square watermelon challenge?"

Also, a great post for lawyers to read is up over at Law21 (first saw the post on Legal OnRamp). The post, "Core competence: 6 new skills now required of lawyers" highlights a new six-pack of skills today's lawyers need to have to be successful and effectively represent their clients. This list applies not just to lawyers -- but those in the health care industry and every other business.

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