Friday, January 16, 2009

Lessons For PowerPoint Users

Yesterday I did a presentation for the West Virginia Healthcare Financial Management Association on Social Media, Consumer Driven Health Care, Health 2.0 and the Legal Implications. Today I see friend and creative guru, Jeff James' post on Begin With PowerPoint in Mind which highlights how NOT to use PowerPoint and links to a Top 10 Best Presentations Ever.

The how NOT to use PowerPoint is a must see for anyone who uses PowerPoint. I have yet to watch the Top 10 but plan to go back and check them out to see how I can improve my skills. Thought others might be interested in checking out this top 10 list.


Rick Lee said...

That was good stuff. In addition to watching the powerpoint comedy presentation I watched two of the other presentations. They really are quite good but time wasting if you have no need to listen to these presentations. I had to force myself to stop watching.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing. The powerpoint comedy presentation will come in handy with my students. They tend to over do it.

Anonymous said...

The presenatation was fantastic. Thanks